Evidence of validity of Zulliger-sc to the assessment of children’s interpersonal relationship
Psychological Assessment, ZSC, Children, Validity Evidence.Abstract
This study aimed to examine criterion validity evidence for ZSC, focusing on interpersonal relationships indicators. 119 primary school children of both sexes from the fourth to the sixth year responded to the sociogram which allowed to select two groups of participants: the first containing 26 classified as the most popular and 22 classified as less popular. These two groups responded to the ZSC. The analysis considered: M, FM, m; a, p; COP, AG; GHR, PHR; FT, TF, T; Food; PER; PureH, SumH and Index Isolation rates. The indicators that showed statistically significant differences, higher among the most popular children, were Mp (p=0.04), p (p=0.05) and PureH (p=0.06) marginally significant. In the less popular group the highest statistically significant was H<(H)+Hd+(Hd) (x2=4.16, p=0.04). In conclusion, four variables contributed to discriminate groups, which contributes to demonstrate criterion validity.
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